We'll Cross that Bridge

I was encouraged to keep a journal during this parsha. For reflection, assessment and clarity. Or as my sisters thank me for- for stamm entertainment, after all it's always nice to learn through someone else's story. And apparently I wanted stories. A trilogy even. “Adventures in Shidduchim” volumes 1,2 and 3.  

InItially I flip through the pages and it’s with an underlying calm, content glow- but as I  sit in the basement, in the same chair that I penned many a “Dear Esther Date #4 Yerachmiel G…” the emotions return. Some of these are of sheer relief, intermingled with the joy of clarity.  Like how could I of thought he was shayich? We were completely incompatible, now even more so when you see who we are each engaged to, respectively. I flip a few more pages and come to Pinny M., wow he was a really great guy, wasn't shayich, but maybe he’d be good for… I make a mental note to call the shadchan who redt it, and suggest Pinny for my friend Fraidy, they would be very “the type”, interesting how I didnt think of this before…?

ChatGPT Velocity

20 Chat GPT prompts I’m using to make life more enjoyable; not functional, not efficient, just gooder.

Remember the more articulate you are the better the results.

In the Era of R&R and Self Care 2.0 #ThisIsHowWeDoIt

Clear as Aruba Blue: Embracing Change and Returning To Roots

True Colors: A Journey from Brunette to Blondeish and Back Again

Life is a journey of self-discovery, where we navigate through various phases and experiments. I remember the impulsive yet calculated decision to color my hair like it was yesterday, while in Aruba with my mother and sister, a colorist pointed to my mothers honey hues and stressed that her colors would be well suited on me.

I figured when in Aruba…plus the vibrancy of the blue ocean left me pining for my own take home souvenir of color. This hair transformation would lead me on a profound path of self-reflection, ultimately taking me back to my roots - both literally and figuratively.

Presently, Present

Focus is finite; when a person talks on the phone while driving, they lose 37% motor focus.

My mechanic recently asked me (all life lessons happen in the auto shop) how my radio is doing, “because that’s all you need, a good engine and a great playlist, but don’t be busy switching songs constantly: it’s not good for the nerves, and even worse for the road, let the songs play out and get lost in the tune.”


I came across the quote, "go laugh in the places you've cried, change the narrative."

It struck me, but it didn't hit until I was turning over my winter to summer wardrobe. Clothes were in transition, but the feelings associated with each piece weren't so seasonal.

Bright Bandaid

Migrating to sunny Maimi after leaving my “insert Director of, full-time role, HERE" is a bright band-aid to a tough decision.

Leaving a job that isn’t working (no pun) is one of the most liberating, albeit crippling, feelings.

The feeling of liberation happens instantaneously; from the moment I officially “left” at noon that final Friday and inserted my keys into the ignition, I felt lighter and free.

Potentially, Infinitely.

The word potent itself is robust, full overflowing, almost phonesthemic.

Its infinite potential is dual. Anything can or can’t happen. And by anything, toss a coin in the air, while it's midair the outcome you subconsciously want can be equated to your anything.

Of Treadmills and Tefilla

Sometimes the tread for that elusive consistency is what yields the most significant inertia.

If life doesn't go like the proverbial hamster wheel- there's still the opportunity to propel forward, albeit through an alternate venue.

On cold nights I can still go on the treadmill. Same for off-hours, the after-party to nosh-binges sessions, and post any activity that can use a productive burnout.

Life is a Highway

There are many parallels between buying a car and finding your "person," not to be melodramatic, but hear me out.

I had my car criteria. Something with character, not the standard lease du jour, leather interior, sunroof if preferable, Sedan small yet sturdy- luxuryish but not German and a demure yet not typical color.

R&R: reflect & reset

Sometimes change is a result of negative motivation (e.g., a snide remark about weight is what causes you to commit to a plan full force, or someone challenges you “that who are you to judge you barely do “XYZ,” or even recognizing that situations that shouldn’t be as stressful as they are, seem to be a never-ending danger zone.)

And sometimes change is motivated by positive affirmations- when someone reflects that you look amazing and that whatever regimen you’re doing shows, this can be a motivator to excel. It’s not always about physical, but from a spiritual and literal standpoint, may a time the chitzoniyus does reflect the pnimiyus, and if you feel good and at peace internally, you have the mojo to reflect that in how you appear, care, and carry yourself.


This was when I discovered E.Q./emotional intelligence. A perfect example of someone who is factually brainy but lacks E.Q. is a doctor, graduated with honors from a top Ivy League medical school, is pursuing his Ph.D. on the theory of "" and positively lacks the emotional empathy of proper bedside manners. Not that anyone is bad- just when it comes to "dealing with people," there is a chip missing—a lack of emotional intelligence.

High Note

Nothing gets me out of bed Friday morn like Spotify’s “made for you” new music Friday playlist. That feeling you get when discovering a new “it song” and you lose yourself in message and melody is what Grammy goals are made of.

Rosé Tinted Perspective

On the first day of a new beginning, I got several pings.

"Congrats on the new job," "Good luck today, and not just cuz it's Monday and frigid," "They won't know what hit em," "Don't worry if this doesn't work out…ehh, make it work."

"Kol haschalos kashos - All beginnings are difficult."

Miami Heat

Things go down, and it's so important to know when to get up and say, thank you, it's been a night. Even if you leave to the trail of "Rebbitzen, why are you cutting the night short"…because I don't want to wake up tomorrow with a different kind of hangover. One that stems from the inner consciousness.

CARried Away

"That's a nice looking vehicle you got there" has never been my mindset.; I notice shoes, a purse, a new pair of spectacles. But a car? That's one for the boys, or at least those girls who know the difference between a Honda and a Hummer.

But recently, a need for speed has been on my mind. Don't get me wrong, those pre and post-work powerwalks are invigorating, but maybe it's timing or just general right of passage vibes, but suddenly I wanted a vehicle of my own.

Shore Thing

Sure thing, is not my go-to line when it hits home. ראש השנה evokes every feeling. Fear, hope, gratitude, angst, pain, confusion, hope again. It's crazy to think that our stories were carefully crafted and intertwined with those who would play leading roles last year when we were all davening.

Sign Language: Zodiac Horoscope Edition

"Written in the Stars" - What does that mean truly? We know that Klal Yisroel is above the Mazalos, and if this is the case, how can we say that zodiac signs have any influence on our lives? So the answer is Both – We have mazalos set in place and tendencies that go with each. However, Klal Yisroel is above mazalos, and therefore it is not definite to play out in a specific way; everything is min Hashamayim, and the way things are supposed to play out will play out however G-d in His infinite wisdom decides that they should.

According to Kabbalistic sources, the months and their corresponding elements are as follows:


It’s so hard to stay motivated at a time when it feels like the world is our oyster, and at the same time, you feel stuck in a shell. It’s not the actual quarantine, but the quarantine mindset.
My favorite line ever is Emma Watson’s rebuttal to “what is your greatest fear?” “unfulfilled potential.”