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Sign Language: Zodiac Horoscope Edition

Sign Language: Zodiac Horoscope Edition


Sign Language: Zodiac Horoscope Edition


G-d gives each person the strength to overcome their tendencies 

"Written in the Stars" - What does that mean truly? We know that Klal Yisroel is above the Mazalos, and if this is the case, how can we say that zodiac signs have any influence on our lives? So the answer is Both – We have mazalos set in place and tendencies that go with each. However, Klal Yisroel is above mazalos, and therefore it is not definite to play out in a specific way; everything is min Hashamayim, and the way things are supposed to play out will play out however G-d in His infinite wisdom decides that they should. 

To start with, let's clarify that daily or monthly horoscopes and zodiac signs that you can search up on google, even if in some way they happen to apply to your life at the moment, usually are not to be relied upon as fact; it is based on marketing and not based on Torah sources.  

Having said that, every month has a certain zodiac sign and element, and that goes with it; do these signs and elements mean that that is going to cause your life to play out in a given way? No, but they are called tendencies, certain natural inclinations that come with the month you were born under.

 According to Kabbalistic sources, the months and their corresponding elements are as follows:

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 September - Virgo - Earth

 October - Libra - Air

 November - Scorpio - Water

 December - Sagittarius - Fire

 January - Capricorn - Earth

 February - Aquarius - Air

 March - Pisces - Water

 April - Aries - Fire

 May - Taurus - Earth

 June- Gemini - Air

 July - Cancer - Water

 August - Leo- Fire

 Kabbalistic sources say that for marriage and business partnerships, certain signs tend to go well together. Specifically, water signs go well with other water signs, as well as with earth signs. Waters together create stronger unified water, and water combined with earth creates a brick, something with which to build.

 Earth signs generally mesh well for marriage with other earth signs and water signs. Fire signs tend to go well with other fires, creating a unified fire. They also tend to go well with air signs as air fans fires embers, keeping fires flames alive, and giving air the fire to fuel.

 Important q, Can people whose signs are not according to the aforementioned get married and get along well? Can business partners succeed in business together if their signs are not matched up?

 The answer is a resounding yes. Many great Gedolim have had beautiful marriages with spouses that were not their sign, and what's the secret? Being a person who works on themselves. If you are the type of person who works on yourself to be the kind of person who is a giver and puts in the efforts to cultivate a strong harmonious relationship with someone, you are not bound to the tendencies of the mazalos. The output is always as great as the input.

G-d gave each person the strength to overcome their tendencies 

 And remember that with Tefillah and asking Hashem for clarity and his guidance, everything is a different ballgame; we recognize that the stars do not bound us; we are only subject to Hashem's Divine Will, which is always undoubtedly out of this world.

Some personality traits for each zodiac sign. It will not always be expressed; it could be heightened or mitigated by the unique personality that is contained within a person's name and genetic and environmental factors. 

  • Virgo - Earth. Very good at being “balabus” in the house making sure everything runs smoothly, a tendency to get down as earth is closer to the ground. Virgos are loyal friends.

  • Libra - Air. Friendly, “people people”, appreciate aesthetics

  • Scorpio - Water. Passionate. Very loyal. Stubborn

  • Sagittarius - Fire. Seek justice and honesty. Strong opinions. Passionate. Devoted and loyal in their relationships.  

  • Capricorn - Earth. Driven to succeed and work-oriented. Quite literally, grounded, and able to see the big picture. Need to keep moving to keep productive, as that is how they are best. 

  • Aquarius - Air. Eccentric. Open to new types of people, free-spirited, spiritual. 

  • Pisces - Water. Easygoing. Dreamer. Tolerant. Moshe Rabbeinu 

  • Aeries - Fire. Independent. Leadership qualities. Passionate. Possible tendency towards anger. All 3 Avos

  • Tauris - Earth. Very devoted and dedicated. Extreme attitudes toward money. Stubborn. Grounded and practical perspectives.

  • Gemini - Air. Don't show all their emotions. Talkative. They Like walking. At times hard to read. David Hamelech

  • Cancer - Water. Sensitive. Easygoing. Family Oriented. 

  • Leo - Fire. Love hosting pp/parties etc. Strong opinions. Arizal


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A book I read on it that touched a lot about each element's personality types in a spiritual capacity is called "Getting to Know your Self" and "Getting to Know Your Soul," by Rabbi Itamar Schwartz. 

Rebbetzin Silber online she’s a Rebbetzin at Neve- She studied this and teaches about the topic on You tube.

The Air Element in Your Personality, Rebbetzin Rochel Silber

The Water Element in Your Personality Part 1 – Rebbetzin Rochel Silber

The Fire Element in Your Personality Part 1 – Rebbetzin Rochel Silber

The Earth Element in Your Personality Part 1 – Rebbetzin Rochel Silber

Mastering Relationships, The Four Elements of Connecting with Anyone- by Mordechai Weinberger LCSW

Rosé Attaché extends warmest appreciation to “Anonymous” for lending your hashkafic and learned provoking expertise.




Shore Thing

Shore Thing

