it’s all about the journey…

I want you to think of my Rosé Attaché as your arsenal of been there’s and done that’s.

This is my gift to you, a collaborative hub of my own tried and true’s.



I came across the quote, "go laugh in the places you've cried, change the narrative."

It struck me, but it didn't hit until I was turning over my winter to summer wardrobe. Clothes were in transition, but the feelings associated with each piece weren't so seasonal.

First is the yellow dress; I remember wearing it with a close friend on a hot July power walk. She was in the first three months of "newlywed bliss." Although things were good, marriage and its adjustments might've been more heated than anticipated; I remember her smiling warmly when she saw the bright hue.

There's the bulk Shein lot. When I found a dress in a material and style I liked, I ordered it in all the color options. If clothes come with a warranty, Shein deserves an award for its versatility + affordability, and durability.

Those long, carefree dresses hold different layers of feels beneath the ruffles.

Out peeks the beige midi dress I wore to my brother's bar mitzvah, initially, I purchased it as a just-in-case dress for my mother, but when I tried it on that morning, she said the dress was made for me.

The gray a-line dress; my version of a power suit. I wore this on many conference calls and Zoom meetings; it's great because it has an articulate collar, and it's relaxed and flouncy from the waist down.

Some infamous summer date dresses mingle into the mix.

I search for the blue dress, casual, comfortable, and "chill" worn for that fateful summer night “first date." I figured he'd be the kind of guy to appreciate blue, a real guy's guy, and I was right.

The army green ankle-length number that I nearly tripped over on the walking around Brooklyn bridge park date, the dress, and the date made it home with good vibes intact.

I finger the Pink and Cream (also midi) super feminine dress that was perfect for a beach/boardwalk/compatibility date, and that's precisely when I wore it, on that summer night 6th, when things were cool and warm all at the same time.

Some classic black dresses…

The Russian princess fit ‘n flair chiffon dress, my sister and I stumbled upon this store in the 9th hour of our Parisian excursion. It has a cinched waist and flows down the hem…

The silk dress that has accompanied me on many a "wear a black dress on the third" date.

The khaki dress I wore on my first solo, client-facing conference meeting. 

Some pieces are staples, and they get hung up for Spring. Others are folded and returned to the attic for a different season entirely. 

When I wore certain pieces for the "first time," I didn't know what to anticipate; the good vibes and the not-so-memorable moments associated still linger in the fabric. 

Sometimes changing the narrative means wearing a piece to a new event. But sometimes, changing the narrative implies unpacking the feelings, acknowledging and respecting the emotions, and then letting them go.

And hanging up the clothes on a hanger for the new adventures that come forth this next Season. 

Liluy Nishmas my great grandmother, Hinda bas Tzvi Haleiva, she was niftar far too early in the Season of time.

Presently, Present

Presently, Present

Bright Bandaid

Bright Bandaid