it’s all about the journey…

I want you to think of my Rosé Attaché as your arsenal of been there’s and done that’s.

This is my gift to you, a collaborative hub of my own tried and true’s.

Bright Bandaid

Bright Bandaid

Migrating to sunny Maimi after leaving my “insert Director of, full-time role, HERE" is a bright band-aid to a tough decision.

Leaving a job that isn’t working (no pun) is one of the most liberating, albeit crippling, feelings.

The feeling of liberation happens instantaneously; from the moment I officially “left” at noon that final Friday and inserted my keys into the ignition, I felt lighter and free.

The crippling feeling is the post-a-bad relationship breakup feeling when you sigh and breathe easily because the hard is over. But now you are left to rediscover your essence, your role, sans the official title status.

Going to Miami post leaving my job was just what the doctor ordered to combat my SAD and vitamin D deficiency.

Sunglasses, novels, playlists, restaurant rendezvous, and shopping would tide me over until I flew back to reality.

The first hitch on the trip was that the hotel system and the third-party travel site we booked through miscommunicated, and instead of our booked two-room suite + porch view, we were being given king bed + couch; no sea view, or two double; sans view options.

The bellboy saw the predicament and brought the case to management. For a few minutes, things felt salty, and “just like that,” we were told to disregard the initial altercation. Our new room was per the original booking plus upgrades.

A few such scenarios happened over the trip, “things were supposed” to go as planned, they took a hitch, and the resulting outcome was better than the original script.

I didn't want to leave my job without a solid cushion to fall back on. This was truly one of the scariest decisions I have made yet to date (the marketing one isn't as marketable as she thought…)

On my final day of leaving my job, my boss, whom I have the utmost respect for, left me with a sendoff message. “When a door is closed, Hashem opens a window,” shoutout to C, who also iterates this to me.

I sought the sun and sea and ended up bringing back the ultimate souvenir; serenity, that just because waves don't go our way, it doesn't mean things aren't moving in the direction they are meant to.



Potentially, Infinitely.

Potentially, Infinitely.