All in Career

ChatGPT Velocity

20 Chat GPT prompts I’m using to make life more enjoyable; not functional, not efficient, just gooder.

Remember the more articulate you are the better the results.

In the Era of R&R and Self Care 2.0 #ThisIsHowWeDoIt

Bright Bandaid

Migrating to sunny Maimi after leaving my “insert Director of, full-time role, HERE" is a bright band-aid to a tough decision.

Leaving a job that isn’t working (no pun) is one of the most liberating, albeit crippling, feelings.

The feeling of liberation happens instantaneously; from the moment I officially “left” at noon that final Friday and inserted my keys into the ignition, I felt lighter and free.

Rosé Tinted Perspective

On the first day of a new beginning, I got several pings.

"Congrats on the new job," "Good luck today, and not just cuz it's Monday and frigid," "They won't know what hit em," "Don't worry if this doesn't work out…ehh, make it work."

"Kol haschalos kashos - All beginnings are difficult."

What's Up? WhatsApp

Yiddeshe Kups have a way of tapping into things before it’s even a #thing. Like our mothers have been breeding us since inception, it’s all about optimizing; ringing every opportunity dry until we’ve maximized. If something is free, we take two, and technology is no exception.

 When I was contemplating phone plans, I decided I was going to be that person. A marketer by profession while still maintain technological integrity. I would not succumb to the WhatsApp pressures on my phone (work phone #yasss.)

How You Project

"So can we count on you to speak at our incoming Freshman Open House?." Gulp. I was deemed “the marketing one” albeit an honor, it still left me feeling uneasy. I'm that person that will raise my hand and say, confidently, “I can do it” however when push comes to shove. I can't respectably speak in public. My eyes seem to pick that one wall spot, and if I do make eye contact, it's with one person, almost as if I've imprinted for the duration of the probably less then five-minute speech that feels like forevveeerrrr. The ability to compose a good talk is a gift, one that is often the brains behind many a gifted orator, but the ability to deliver is almost like a performance, it's a feat. I've been to many a speech/presentation to at least know the key ingredients for what makes a great speech. Read how you can best project here

401K Starts Today

Like many a milestone, a first “real job” can be overwhelming. Adulting does have its perks, one of the more intricate facets in financial planning, or “putting away money for later,” “reserving” as Mr. Ariel Serber, of Lions Financial, so diplomatically states I took Principles of Finance, I read the WSJ (okay the front page), but boy was I in for an eye-opener. Financial planning can seem so complicated, yet with the right guidance and some personal savvy, after all, you have to know something to understand what to inquire about. This is your 2019 jump right it into the vast spectrum of “reserving money for later.”

#MondayMotivation: action v.s. reaction

Sometimes we all need a little extra MondayMotivation. I’m not talking about Mondays in the literal sense but rather as an adjective. You know those days/scenarios/people that are just so Monday? I think this is why we start out each day with a coffee, (or at least those of us who like to think of ourselves as sane do Venti.) It’s a Mussar Haskel for life. In that strong, dark brew you have the ability to add a splash of creamer, some suga’ and customize it to your preference. Whether you keep it dark or show your mug a latte love, the caffeine will deliver the same jolt, but the experience is in your hands. Let's motivate Right Now

Graduation Redefined

I’ve realized that graduating isn’t something that happens by default, but rather something you can strive to achieve. If I were to write a letter to myself, circa May 23, 2017, this is what graduating truly entails. Analytics: Before you take an opportunity, do your homework. My mother often quotes Rabbi Avigdor Miller who said: “Look before you leap, but once you do make the most of it." Otherwise, it will lead to... Bounce Rate: Millennials are infamous for staying at a job for a short period and thinking they gave this position “the best years of their life.” I gleaned so much inspiration from Chaya's blog that sometimes it’s okay to leave a job or a challenging situation. Content: No, not creative content...Learn to be content. Trust me, I shun complacency, and I try to be healthy and - I call it realistic with a smidge of delusions of grandeur - content in every aspect of my career. Dynamic: Keep things interesting, don't stay stagnant, learn new skills whether they pertain to your field of career or interests. It's not about finding a job that's interesting to others but finding something that interests YOU. Read the rest here

My Banana Republic Suit of Armor

Every girls got one. The wardrobe essential that empowers and fortifies. When I’m donned in anything from Banana Republic, it's like I’m wearing an extra coat of armor. I’m nowhere near an ambassador of the brand, but I am a fanatic of quality clothing that embodies empowerment. What's your coat of armor? Read mine here.

Calling all Millennials

I basically got into Grad School with this one. Submitted to The New York Times writing competition as well :) Generation Y has earned a bad rep and for a good reason. “If it ain't broke can I still get an upgrade?” is the mentality of a millennial. We’re quick to dispose of, lack patience, tenacity, and discipline. In the same vein, we’re fast. We know we’re not smarter than previous generations, we’re just smart enough to know where to look. The rate at which we consume technology has accelerated, and we have adapted. I understand when people have qualms against my generation (yes, I’m taking ownership, if that means being part of the likes of the future Google, Facebook and Tesla founders, we are one). But we’re smarter than you give us credit. As a millennial, being smart does not connote to know it all. Intelligence in the 21st century is the ability to recognize what you need to learn, and the tenacity to master it. We’re hustlers. We may be the first to throw in the towel, but we’re also quick to bounce back. We see inhibition as an opportunity to conquer.